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Adoption Can Inspire a Child to Improve Their School Performance

A discussion of family law matters as they relate to a child’s academic performance is often very negative. For example, researchers and pundits alike have spent a lot of time exploring the relatively strong correlation between the stress caused by parental divorce and declining academic performance.

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Fostering: A Noble, but Complex, Cause

Did you know that there are around 123,000 children in the United States’ foster care system? If you or your spouse have been discussing the idea of adoption, now may be a good time to start looking into the legal aspects of doing so.

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Adopting Can Be Expensive: Here Are the Costs that Add Up

Adoption is a good way for some people to become parents when they cannot through other means or would simply like to provide a home for a child in need. Growing your family through adoption can be explosive, though, which is why it’s so important to know how much you’ll spend and how to prepare for the adoption.

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Myths About Fostering Hurt Children in Need

Children who are living in foster care are waiting for loving families to take them home. Many of those children will eventually go back to living with people in their own families, but those who cannot may later be adopted.

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Adopting? Preparation Is Key to A Successful Blended Family

If you already have a biological child and plan to continue adding to your family with adopted children, then it’s time to think about how you’ll blend your family together. This can be a somewhat complex situation, depending on how your own child responds to fostering or adopting another child, so it is a good idea to talk to them about their feelings and what you expect once you begin the adoption process.

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5 Things You Should Know Before Adopting a Child

Each year in the United States, more than 120,000 children are adopted into loving and stable homes that they may not have had otherwise. Adopting a child is a joyous and meaningful endeavor, but it can also be a complicated and, at times, frustrating experience.

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